Considered choices rather than expensive mistakes; Why you should appoint an Interior Designer


Interior design is a profession, not a hobby. When hiring an Interior Designer you are embarking on a valuable journey, utilising skilled practitioners who spend dedicated time developing designs and are able to draw upon years of knowledge - with refined technical capabilities and the experience to execute ideas into a reality.

Interior Designers are literally experts in interior design. They are professionals, who have spent a minimum of three years studying, in most cases undertaking multiple placements within established firms before building extensive portfolios working within the industry.

It’s important to understand the difference between hiring an Interior Designer to that of an Interior Decorator - the latter will only able to make light aesthetical improvements whilst Interior Designers are skilled and experienced in executing bespoke, structural visions.

Interior Concepts

When hiring an Interior Designer you’re gaining their intellectual property, an intangible skill of creativity - a natural quality you either have or you don’t; creativity can't be learnt or taught.

The number one problem encountered when designing a space without a professional is caused by buying pieces before the design is complete. Without thorough research and extensive libraries of finishes and fabrics, ideas can’t be compared next to one another and the design will ultimately lack any sense of cohesiveness. It’s an expensive mistake, where you can end up with lots of things you like which simply don’t work in harmony together.

Designing an emotionally considered space is important too - acknowledging the various senses directly impacts how the final space will feel to interact with. As designers we encourage clients to consider mind over matter, thinking about the emotional needs of a space in conjunction with aesthetical aspirations. When going it alone this particular aspect of the design process is often ignored and final spaces lack individuality and a sense of self.

Interior Schemes

Once a concept has evolved into a clearly defined design the most complex part of the process begins and at this stage a lack of technical ability and precision could be costly. Bespoke design requires exact specifications and detailed technical drawings to aid space planning and room flows.

It can also be challenging to envisage something which doesn’t currently exist and without technical drawings or elevations the reality of a design could be quite different to what was imagined or intended. Our detailed elevation drawings allow for designs to be perfected, adapted and discussed with experienced craftsmen, ensuring bespoke designs are not only beautiful but functional too.

DETAIL Design and Installation

In many cases the little things, such as handles or switches, are often overlooked or ignored - despite the fact most of us connect with these smaller details on more than a daily basis.  During the detail design stage of the process all details, big and small, are considered and hand-selected based on the individual client’s needs.

Most interior products, even when not produced bespoke, do involve a lead time. Planning orders and deliveries can be stressful and if not timed correctly can mean that storage costs are involved. It’s also extremely important that items are checked upon receipt, if damages during transit occur - which does happen occasionally  - these must be reported to the manufacturer's in a timely manner; otherwise you may find yourself stuck with an item which isn’t fit for purpose. When working with an Interior Designer, all of the above is looked after for you with all the individual elements which make up your space arriving according to your project deadline, checked and unpacked safely.

The final installation process involves numerous skilled craftsmen working alongside and in tandem with one another. Electricians, joiners and decorators are just some of the skilled tradesmen who schedules need to be carefully planned in advance to ensure works are carried out in the correct order  - according to the individual projects development stages.  Without carefully planning works may need to be repeated and project deadlines are often extended dramatically. An Interior Designer can be utilised at this stage to not only plan and book all works in advance but also provide invaluable advice if adaptations due to unforeseen issues arise and to check works are carried out to a high standard.

Interior Design Services 

Our residential interior design services are crafted to offer us the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients. Our formally trained and experienced team work with client projects of various sizes, scopes and locations with varying deliverables, providing a high-end, luxury service we’re all extremely proud of.  

Head here to learn more about the Rachel Usher Interior Design Studio Services

or if you have any questions please do get in touch here. 

Rachel Usher

Interior Design Studio, creating considered interiors for an enhanced, emotive interior experience.

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